Anne Ewing

Chair of the Risk Committee
SG Kleinwort Hambros Bank Limited
Anne Ewing is an independent non-executive director of SG Kleinwort Hambros Bank Limited. Anne is the Chair of the SGKH Risk Committee and a member of the SGKH Audit Committee. Anne is also the Chair of SG Kleinwort Hambros Trust Company (CI) Limited and SG Kleinwort Hambros Bank Corporate Services (CI) Limited.
Anne has 40 years’ experience in investment banking, capital markets, corporate and private banking and asset management with a particular focus on risk management. Prior to joining SGKH, Anne has worked at a number of financial institutions including NM Rothschild & Sons, Old Mutual International (Guernsey) Limited and KPMG Channel Islands Limited.
Anne acts a non-executive director on a small number of Guernsey registered listed investment companies and private equity GPs.
Anne has an MSc in Corporate Governance from Bournemouth University, CdipAF – ACCA Diploma in Accounting & Finance and is a Chartered Fellow of the Securities Institute.
Anne is a keen amateur gem collector.