Rae-Yen Song

Born in Edinburgh, Scotland, 1993. Lives and works in Glasgow.

I currently think of my practice as a long-term exploration of self-mythologising as a survival tactic. My work explores the position of Other within our tangled reality, and speaks broadly and politically about foreignness, identity, survival and what it means to belong – or not. It finds form via drawing, sculpture, costume, props, video, animation, family collaboration, online content and performative actions in public. Increasingly, any or all of these elements coalesce as installations which form coherent, singular environments.

In 2021, exhibitions and artworks will include: a LUX Scotland moving image commission for the BBC; a commission for Dislocations at the Hunterian Gallery, University of Glasgow; Fabric of Society, a group show supported by Glasgow International; and a major solo show at Dundee Contemporary Arts.

Recent exhibitions and residencies include: Umay-may songuuU, a solo show at CFCCA, Manchester (2020); Talbot Rice Residents, a two-year residency supported by Talbot Rice Gallery, University of Edinburgh (2019-21); Summer Residency, Hospitalfield, Arbroath (2019); and Survey, Jerwood Arts, London (2018).

Image credits
Michael Barr