Fraud Awareness
Investment scam warning
We are aware that fraudsters are carrying out an investment scam by cloning the details of Kleinwort Hambros, a genuine, regulated firm. This is an active and persistent scam being spread through emails, cold calls, and scam websites.
The fraudsters have created what is known as a “clone firm”, which is typically part of a scam. The UK Financial Conduct Authority warning of the clone firm can be accessed here:
Please exercise vigilance if you have been approached to make an unsolicited investment. Kleinwort Hambros does not cold-call potential clients to sell investments and it will meet you face to face before opening an account.
If you are unsure about the bona fides of the individual who has contacted you, or the authenticity of an investment opportunity, please speak to your bank first before releasing any funds. You can also learn how to protect yourself from scams here: https://www.fca.org.uk/scamsmart/how-avoid-investment-scams
If you think you have been a victim of fraud, please report this to your local law enforcement. In the UK, you can also report the fraud to Action Fraud. They can be contacted on 0300 123 2040 or contact them online (https://www.actionfraud.police.uk/)
Kleinwort Hambros continue to work proactively with industry partners, our regulator, and law enforcement to tackle this fraud.
Clone firm details
We understand that fraudsters have created websites offering attractive, high-yield investments. The fraudsters would make contact with members of the public either through cold-calling or through the use of contact information provided by the public on the scam websites. In some cases, the public may have received unsolicited emails.
Victims may be asked to send money to UK bank accounts to facilitate subscriptions to high-yield corporate bonds or other securities. The scam offering may include a high level of detail such as bogus coupon rates, management fees, and an internet link to a genuine investment. In some cases, the fraudsters may claim there is an urgent subscription deadline as a tactic to pressure the public to expedite a payment transfer; in other cases, they may claim a specific bond is no longer available whilst offering a new investment opportunity to give the false impression of scarcity. The fraudsters may also send scam application forms bearing the logo of Kleinwort Hambros to mislead victims; in some cases, they have also provided fake contract notes, marketing material and terms of business bearing the Kleinwort Hambros brand to add authenticity of the fraud.
The fraudsters may mix the details of our genuine firm with the clone firm, and use the names of genuine Kleinwort Hambros staff along with false names. We are aware of individuals using the names “Guy Waterhouse”, “Andrew Thomas”, “Rachel Armstrong” and “Michael Green” who are approaching the public and claiming to represent Kleinwort Hambros.
The fraudsters have been providing the following details as part of the scam. Please note this information is not exhaustive, and fraudsters may change these details from time to time to evade recognition:
Kleinwort Hambros / SG Kleinwort Hambros Bank Limited (Clone of FCA Authorised Firm)
SG House, 41 Tower Hill, London, EC3N 3SG
This is an address being used by the clone firm. This address is no longer used by or associated with the regulated firm, SG Kleinwort Hambros Bank Limited.
85 Great Portland Street, London, W1W 7LT
This is an address being used by the clone firm. This address is not associated with the regulated firm, SG Kleinwort Hambros Bank Limited.
0203 286 7699
0207 183 0463
0207 183 8358
0203 290 9012
0207 193 8473
0207 193 8231
0207 097 4940
info@sghambros.co.uk, info@sgkleinworthambros.co.uk, info@kleinworthambross.co.uk, info@sghambro.co.uk