Open Banking
How does it work?
Open Banking relies on establishing a standard technology for data sharing between banks – an Application Programming Interface, or API. An API is a piece of software that allows different programmes to communicate with each other. Open Banking requires banks to make standardised APIs available that will allow the sharing of account information and the transmission of payment instructions (if customers have given permission to do so).
Keeping it safe
Open Banking should give customers more control over their data, but also raises questions about privacy and security. The regulations mean that any company with access to your data will now be responsible for ensuring it is processed, stored and transferred appropriately and securely.
You can help safeguard your data by making sure you only use firms regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. It is also worth noting that your data can’t be accessed by any third-party providers unless you give them express permission to do so.
Third Party Provider (TPP)
SG Kleinwort Hambros has a testing facility based on Open Banking standards available for FCA authorised Third Party Providers.
Please contact us: khonline@kleinworthambros.com
You can review our test facility onboarding document here.