Kleinwort Hambros Elite PCC Limited
Kleinwort Hambros' Elite Funds offer pure exposure to our investment expertise and encompass a variety of investment strategies designed to suit investors with different investment objectives and attitudes to risk.
There are several solutions in the range. Whether you are a cautious investor looking to preserve your wealth over the long term, an adventurous investor with an appetite for targeting higher returns, or somewhere in between, there is an Elite Fund to match your investment goals.
Please contact your financial adviser should you require more information.
For the latest investment manager commentary, market outlook, information on key holdings, asset allocation, performance and the latest fund prices, please click on the links below.
KH Elite MA Balanced Factsheets
Kleinwort Hambros Elite Multi Asset Balanced Fund B GBP Acc Non Rpt
Kleinwort Hambros Elite Multi Asset Balanced Fund B EUR Acc Non Rpt
Kleinwort Hambros Elite Multi Asset Balanced Fund B GBP Inc Rpt
Kleinwort Hambros Elite Multi Asset Balanced Fund B USD Acc Non Rpt
KH Elite MA Balanced KIDs
Kleinwort Hambros Elite Multi Asset Balanced Fund KID B GBP Accumulating Non Reporting Shares
Kleinwort Hambros Elite Multi Asset Balanced Fund KID B USD Accumulating Non Reporting Shares
Kleinwort Hambros Elite Multi Asset Balanced Fund KID B GBP Income Reporting Shares
Kleinwort Hambros Elite Multi Asset Balanced Fund KID B EUR Accumulating Non Reporting Shares